ChatGPT upgrades and Google Bard


ChatGPT just got some new features that are making people go crazy. These new features are called "plugins," and they allow ChatGPT to access the internet and other things. This means that ChatGPT is no longer limited by the training data from 2021, which should prevent it from giving out random information. It can now search for current information and provide sources for you to verify on your own. It also has its own built-in browser that can click on links to find more information.

Another crazy feature of ChatGPT is its own sandbox code execution environment, which currently runs python. This means it can write, execute, and debug code on its own. It even has some space to handle uploads and downloads. ChatGPT can recognize characters in an image and output a text file. It can also generate sounds and save them as wave files. It can even code video games.

ChatGPT also has a retrieval plugin, which allows organizations to upload their own data and make it searchable by ChatGPT. This means that companies like Kayak and Expedia can use ChatGPT to book travel. Zapier also has a plugin that can connect to thousands of other apps like Gmail, Slack, and Salesforce. This means we might not even need user interfaces anymore.

Some researchers think that ChatGPT may even have sparks of artificial general intelligence, which is the hypothetical ability where AI can do critical thinking and learn in the same way that humans do. This could mean that we may not need APIs anymore, and we could have one universal backend database API machine thing that can do anything and everything on the fly based on your business requirements.

In conclusion, ChatGPT's new features are amazing and could potentially change the world as we know it. However, we should still be cautious about the future of AI and its potential impact on humanity.

In this Scene, Google Isn't Gonna just Stay Clam and watch These things that gonna happen Let's Discuss the topic of Google Bard VS Chat GPT

Is Google Bard Chat GPT Killer? Let's Find out...

Google has released a new AI language model called Bard that is meant to compete with its rivals, such as GPT-4. Google is concerned about the declining usage of Google Search since the release of GPT-4. However, Google has a lot of data and computing power at its disposal, so it's hoping that Bard will help it regain its dominance.

One experiment tested whether Bard could write code. It was asked to create a basic to-do app with JavaScript, and it completed the task in just a few seconds. However, when the code was run, there was an error, and Bard was asked to fix it. While Bard came up with a solution that would fix the error, it still didn't work because the element didn't exist. After several attempts to nudge Bard in the right direction, it failed catastrophically. In contrast, GPT-4 produced well-documented code that worked perfectly.

In another experiment, Bard was asked to come up with ideas for a romance novel. It provided a simple and cliched plotline, while GPT-4 created a more imaginative story. Bard was also asked to write a poem about programming in the style of Dr. Seuss, and it produced some good lines. However, GPT-4's poem was more polished and flowed better.

Finally, Bard and GPT-4 were asked to explain how brain waves work. While both models were accurate, GPT-4 was slightly better.

Overall, Bard has received some negative feedback on social media and is worried that Google may kill it off in the future. Nevertheless, Bard has the potential to help Google regain its dominance in the AI language model space.