HOW to RESEARCH a COMPANY for a JOB Interview?


A recent study revealed that people failed their job interviews because they didn't know enough about the company they were applying to join now research is the one area that job applicants often neglect because they are applying for lots of jobs they don't have enough time and they don't really care which company they end up working for however if you conduct the right research it will significantly increase your chances of success at your interview and in this Article, I will teach you how to conduct the best research possible in under five minutes.

So to help you pass your job interview on the very first attempt I will cover the following three things in this Article number one I will explain why it is so important to carry out effective research before your job interview number.

Two I will tell you the three things you must research about a company you are being interviewed to join now these three things will literally take you less than five minutes to research and then finally number three I will give you a brilliant example answer to the tough but common interview question why do you want to work for us?

So to begin with why is it so important to carry out research before your interview well if you don't carry out any research it tells the employer you are not motivated to work for them you are only interested in a paycheck and there is a strong possibility you will move on to a different company soon after starting work there this is not good for the employer because they will then have to re-advertise the position. okay, let me now tell you the three things you must research about a company before your job interview please take notes.

Research area number one is to look at the company's website especially its about us page while studying their website take note of its history company Mission achievements or rewards and organizational values research area.

Number two is to look at their products and services to find out what the company actually does and what they sell or offer to make sure you look at their positive online customer reviews and write down a list of the great things their customers or clients are saying about the company and research area number three is to follow them on social media look at their social media pages especially Facebook Instagram and Linkedin take note of their latest news stories and how they engage with their followers okay so now we know exactly what to research about a company before a job interview let me give you a brilliant example answer to the tough but common interview question why do you want to work for us and I will then tell you where you can download the answer here we go why do you want to work for us?

I conducted plenty of research before applying for the job and everything tells me your company will be a great place for me to work I want to work for you because you have a strong set of workplace values that I admire you support your employees so they can achieve their full potential and I will get to collaborate on challenging projects with forward-thinking people, finally I want to work for you because you have a brilliant history and track record of achievement and your products and services are in demand this tells me you will always be an industry leader meaning I can build a successful long-term career here.

Okay so now you know how to research a company before a job interview the next thing to do is to take your learning one step further.